Work Experience



Fall 2021/Spring 2022 - Consulting Team

  • Performs market forecasts and competitive assessments for clients in the aerospace sector

  • Research use cases and market viability for emergent aerospace technology

  • Conducts interviews with stakeholders and value-added service providers

Blue Origin

Summer 2019 - Guidance, Navigation, and Control

  • Recipient of the Matthew Isakowitz Fellowship

  • Integrated high fidelity structural simulations with full 6DOF Matlab/Simulink simulations for rocket landing

  • Developed and tested multiple control methods for touchdown stabilization of New Glenn first stage 

  • Ran Monte Carlo analysis in order to gauge controller performance and make system architecture decisions

Aurora Flight Sciences

Summer 2018 - Advanced Concepts and Design

  • Wrote multidisciplinary design analysis and optimization (MDAO) scripts for preliminary aircraft design, sizing, and performance analysis 

  • Integrated OpenVSP to MDAO framework for post-processing visualization 

NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Summer 2017 - Juno Operations

  • Automated and generalized Python scripts to statistically compare Juno mission telemetry data to ground test data to find potential risks during critical flight events

  • Investigated Juno’s past flight anomalies to prepare an extended mission proposal to NASA headquarters

NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Summer 2016 - Team X / A Team

  • Implemented entry, descent, and landing models as  well as ground data system cost models through Python and VBA to be used to explore trade-space for early mission design and formulation

  • Integrated high-fidelity EDL analysis software with new modeling environment

  • Developed independent low-fidelity ballistic entry model in Python 

  • 3D printed SmallSat prototypes for demonstrations and proposals

  • Worked with design teams to develop early design phase prototypes for Europa lander and Mars cave exploration concepts